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Why Future of work with Workforce Ecosystems and Enterprise Social Networks are needed?

Why Future of work with Workforce Ecosystems and Enterprise Social Networks are needed?
If we have a clear motive for why we need something, we can achieve our goals quickly. Similarly, the need for Workforce Ecosystems and Enterprise Social Networks should significantly impact adopting organizations. The perso... Read more
3+ mins read
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VID-19 impact - Revenue Strategies for small business owners with community-focused eMarketplace

COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic and is having an unprecedented impact on almost everyone on the planet. It has especially hit hard on small “non-essential” community-based business owners. Times are uncertain, and business owners are unsure as to how they are going to compensate for lost in-store revenues. DHUBS is a startup with... Read more
4+ mins read
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10 Characteristics of a fintech leader

1. Clarity of vision: Concrete vision for the future and a CEO and leadership team thoroughly committed to seeing the vision implemented. 2. Aware: Aware of the signals of change occurring in the financial services market and is constantly seeking insights into how fintech is and will evolve in the future. 3. Strategic: Well-developed yet adaptab... Read more
1+ min read
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